Terms and conditions

1. General
These general terms and conditions apply exclusively to the entire business relationship between EVENTpoint24 GmbH (hereinafter referred to as "EVENTpoint24") and the customer (hereinafter referred to as "client"), even if the client is based outside of the Federal Republic of Germany. Deviating agreements or conditions of the client require the express written consent of EVENTpoint24. Deviating agreements or conditions of the client are already contradicted. With the registration, registration or telephone order, the customer accepts these general terms and conditions. These become part of the contract.

2. Subject of the contract
As part of the application, registration and telephone order, EVENTpoint24 stores the object/service or personal data transmitted/specified by the customer as well as the advertisement text in an internal electronic database and publishes the aforementioned data in a selected subscription as an advertisement on the Gastropoint24 website ( www.gastropoint24.de). The customer takes the respective service features of the selected Abo-Plus entry from the respective service description, which can be found on the website www.gastropoint24.de. The content of the order and the scope of the services are also documented for the client in a letter of confirmation. The customer generally agrees to the storage of the data for the purpose of executing the contract (note: data protection declaration), which you can find at www.gastropoint24.de. The customer is only entitled to the features (services) that are available in the Gastropoint24.de system at the time the contract is concluded. have been implemented and are the subject of the assignment. 

Various premium formats:

EVENTpoint24 will set up the advertisement in such a way that when third parties (users) search in the electronic database of Gastropoint24.de by entering the appropriate search parameters and criteria, the customer's advertisement appears, provided that it corresponds to the search criteria and the location settings of the customer's business address . The customer is also aware that he cannot necessarily be on position 1 or page 2 of the result lists. By clicking on the object again, the object description appears, whereby the user can see all relevant data of the client and the information is extensive. The information in the service descriptions relates to the services. If additional extras are booked, these will be displayed as specified in the service descriptions. EVENTpoint24 does not appear in the sense of a direct customer broker, but offers services as a direct location/object/service/product brokerage via a database on the Internet. EVENTpoint24 assumes no liability or guarantee for the execution of an object order and its processing. The individual service descriptions at the conditions specified in the price list are part of the contract. EVENTpoint24 provides the customer with online access to the administration area designated as "login" on the website, which can be accessed by entering a user name and password. The customer is responsible for the content of the advertisement and the items offered. The customer can change the content at any time free of charge via online access,

3. Free trial months
EVENTpoint24 grants the contractor, only in the case of direct telephone marketing, a one- or two-month free preliminary test phase, which offers all the functions of the selected subscription plan. This test phase is agreed and confirmed by EVENTpoint24 in writing by e-mail or letter. The test months also include access to the free administration area. During the free trial month(s), the concluded contract must be terminated in writing with the customer's original signature and must be received by EVENTpoint24 no later than 2 weeks before the end of the free subscription phase. If there is no written notice of termination in the manner described within the free trial months, the contract will continue for the agreed contract period of one year (12 months) or two years (24 months), depending on what is stated in the order confirmation. The free test phase of one or two months and the contract will then be concluded immediately.

Please note:
If the contract is canceled during this free trial period, the Premium/Top Premium/Top Premium Plus entry will automatically be converted into a free basic entry showing 1 image and 1 video (if available). transformed. The rights of use to the respective image material are transferred to this basic entry. If the customer does not want this, he must separately and expressly terminate this free basic entry.

4. Conclusion of contract and right of refusal
The contract comes about immediately either through the customer's online registration on one of the EVENTpoint24 websites (www.gastropoint24.de) and through the posting of the advertisement by EVENTpoint24 or through a verbal or written offer/conclusion of a contract by the customer as part of telephone sales, the winning back customers, winning new customers or returning the signed contract by post, fax or e-mail. Contracts in distance selling according to § 312 BGB come about directly and immediately through the conclusion of the contract on the phone. A contract confirmation/order confirmation will be sent to the customer by e-mail - also by registered mail if desired - as a summary of the conclusion of the contract over the telephone. This confirmation letter does not represent a new offer. EVENTpoint24 is entitled to to reject advertising orders without giving reasons or to delete advertisements and company data that have already been placed if and to the extent that the advertisement or its content violates legal and/or official prohibitions, morality or the rights of third parties at present or in the future or further publication for EVENTpoint24 is no longer reasonable for other reasons. The client will be informed about the deletion of his advertisement. EVENTpoint24's right to termination without notice remains unaffected if and to the extent that the advertisement or its content currently or in the future violates legal and/or official prohibitions, morality or the rights of third parties or further publication is no longer reasonable for EVENTpoint24 for other reasons . The client will be informed about the deletion of his advertisement. EVENTpoint24's right to termination without notice remains unaffected if and to the extent that the advertisement or its content currently or in the future violates legal and/or official prohibitions, morality or the rights of third parties or further publication is no longer reasonable for EVENTpoint24 for other reasons . The client will be informed about the deletion of his advertisement. EVENTpoint24's right to termination without notice remains unaffected. offends morality or the rights of third parties or further publication is no longer reasonable for EVENTpoint24 for other reasons. The client will be informed about the deletion of his advertisement. EVENTpoint24's right to termination without notice remains unaffected. offends morality or the rights of third parties or further publication is no longer reasonable for EVENTpoint24 for other reasons. The client will be informed about the deletion of his advertisement. EVENTpoint24's right to termination without notice remains unaffected.

5. Term/Termination
The term of the contract is either one year (12 months) or 2 years (24 months). The basis is the respectively agreed agreements when the customer places an order by telephone or in writing with EVENTpoint24 and further by the data of the order confirmation by post, e-mail or online registration form. The selected premium format is then valid for the entire duration of the contract. Changes to the format only apply after the conclusion of the new contract. A termination of the free test phase must be made in writing with an original signature to EVENTpoint24 14 days before the end of the test phase in order to grant a proper termination. Binding form of termination: If and to the extent that the customer does not receive the contract in writing with the original signature from EVENTpoint24, If the contract is terminated three months before the end of the contract period, the contract is extended by a further year (12 months) at the usual prices and service descriptions, which you can view at any time on the website (www.eventpoint24.com or other). EVENTpoint24 strives to offer the service described (service description) with as little interruption as possible. However, even with all due care, downtimes can occur - for example due to maintenance work and software updates as well as times in which the service is not available due to technical and other problems that are not within the control of EVENTpoint24 (force majeure, fault of third parties, etc.). - cannot be excluded. The service description therefore limits the availability of the service from the outset to one with insignificant impairments. An insignificant impairment exists if the period in which the service is unavailable due to such downtime does not exceed a total of 48 hours in the calendar month. Such insignificant impairments do not entitle EVENTpoint24 to terminate the contract, nor do they lead to liability towards the customer. If the complaints are justified, the client will receive an extension of the contract period from EVENTpoint24 by the period for which the client has asserted justified complaints. The right to extraordinary termination for important reasons remains unaffected. After canceling the Premium/Top Premium/Top Premium Plus entry, the entry will be downgraded back to the free Basic entry. In addition, one image will continue to appear in the ad for free. From this point on, a customer login is no longer possible. If the customer does not want this continuation as a free basic entry, this must be explained in the ordinary termination, or the free basic entry must be terminated separately.

6. Compensation
For the use of the services, the client pays EVENTpoint24 a fee in advance in accordance with the EVENTpoint24 price list valid at the time the contract was concluded or the extension date. The fee specified there is used to cover EVENTpoint24's service in connection with the detailed customer discussion, the creation of the advertisement text, if available, the acceptance and review of the content provided by data and photos, property description, equipment features, price categories, etc. and the provision of the advertisement for the entire contract period. Together with the statutory VAT, the total costs shown in the price list result. The total costs are then due in full (annual fee) or in 4 equal installments (quarterly payment) at the beginning of the contract period. If the contractual relationship is extended by a further year, the total costs are then due in full (annual fee) or in 4 equal installments (quarterly payment method) at the beginning of the following year. The agreed amounts, methods of payment and their due dates were discussed over the phone and documented again in the confirmation letter. If the agreed method of payment of the total costs here: 4 equal partial payments (quarterly payment method) is not adhered to and not settled by the last payment request (last reminder), EVENTpoint24 is then entitled to demand the full total costs (annual fee) according to the confirmation letter (annual fee) as a whole and are then due for payment immediately. The prices refer to one advertisement. Further ordered objects or object types for further advertisements establish a further contractual relationship with an independent term and are billed individually, according to the agreement between the client and EVENTpoint24, taking into account the service descriptions and price list.

7. Payment/Delay in Payment
Unless otherwise agreed, invoices are paid by bank transfer to EVENTpoint24. If EVENTpoint24 has agreed to issue invoices to the client, these are due within 15 days of the invoice date without any deductions. Payment by check or bill of exchange is on account of performance and requires the consent of EVENTpoint24. The client shall bear the expenses and discount charges incurred as a result and all other costs associated therewith. If the target is exceeded, a flat rate of €40.00 / CHF 60.00 is due according to § 288 V BGB and default interest of 9 percentage points above the base rate of the Bundesbank will be charged from the due date. In the event of payment difficulties on the part of the customer, in particular in the event of default of payment, check or bill of exchange protest, EVENTpoint24 is entitled to make all deferred or otherwise open invoice amounts due immediately and to demand cash payment or the provision of security. The customer is only entitled to the return of any checks or bills of exchange accepted by EVENTpoint24 on account of performance after the amounts due have been settled, while EVENTpoint24 remains entitled to alternatively assert the respective check or bill of exchange claim until then.

Right of retention:
In the event of default in payment, EVENTpoint24 is also entitled, after setting a separate deadline, which can also be sent in text form to the address or email address provided by the client, to make use of its right of retention and the publication of the advertisement and/or suspend service until payment is made. The customer is not released from his payment obligation.

Invoices from EVENTpoint24 are deemed to be accepted if the client has not objected in writing within 30 days of the date of invoice and EVENTpoint24 has pointed out the importance of the expiry of the deadline when issuing the invoice. The customer's rights of retention are excluded unless they are based on the same contractual relationship. The offsetting of counterclaims is only permitted if such counterclaims are undisputed by EVENTpoint24 and are due for payment or have been legally established.

In accordance with the service description, EVENTpoint24 provides an advertisement and a database based on the data provided by the client, the up-to-dateness of which is checked and compared at regular intervals by the client. EVENTpoint24 merely provides a service and does not owe any success. EVENTpoint24 has no control over the accuracy of the information provided by the client and cannot accept any responsibility for it. EVENTpoint24 warrants that the services incumbent on it in accordance with Section 2 will be performed in accordance with the usual technical standards. EVENTpoint24 endeavors to carry out a daily server synchronization. The client is aware that data may not be available at all or at all according to the current technical standard. Accordingly, no warranty claims can be derived against EVENTpoint24 from a short-term or partial unavailability of the data (insignificant impairment). An insignificant impairment exists if the period in which the service is not available due to such a downtime does not exceed a total of 48 hours in a calendar month. EVENTpoint24 is not liable for disturbances in the quality of access or significant impairments due to force majeure or due to events for which EVENTpoint24 is not responsible, in particular the failure of communication networks. An insignificant impairment exists if the period in which the service is not available due to such a downtime does not exceed a total of 48 hours in a calendar month. EVENTpoint24 is not liable for disturbances in the quality of access or significant impairments due to force majeure or due to events for which EVENTpoint24 is not responsible, in particular the failure of communication networks. An insignificant impairment exists if the period in which the service is not available due to such a downtime does not exceed a total of 48 hours in a calendar month. EVENTpoint24 is not liable for disturbances in the quality of access or significant impairments due to force majeure or due to events for which EVENTpoint24 is not responsible, in particular the failure of communication networks.

Defective performance does not exist

if unsuitable display software and/or hardware is used

• in the event of computer and/or server failure of a third party, in particular a provider,

• if incorrect and/or not updated data and content is transmitted by the client

• if the presentation of the advertisement/excerpt contains only insignificant errors (typos).

• if the server on which the advertisement data is stored fails.

Further claims of the customer, in particular claims for compensation for consequential damages, are excluded unless the legal representatives or responsible employees acted with intent or gross negligence.

The customer is advised that according to the current technical standard, it cannot be ruled out that the customer's advertisement may be copied, linked and/or additionally published disguised as his own offer using so-called frames. EVENTpoint24 will do everything legally and technically reasonable to prevent such access by third parties. Should there nevertheless be a corresponding unauthorized copying, linking and/or framing, no claims of the client against EVENTpoint24 can be derived from this.

EVENTpoint24 is only liable for damage that does not occur due to the aforementioned causes in the event of intent and gross negligence on the part of its organs, employees and vicarious agents and only in the proportion in which EVENTpoint24 has contributed to the occurrence of the damage in an attributable manner in relation to other causes. This disclaimer of liability does not apply to damage due to injury to life, limb or health and to damage caused intentionally or through gross negligence by EVENTpoint24, its representatives or vicarious agents, as well as for liability due to the lack of guaranteed properties.

9. Client's Obligations
With regard to the intended use, the customer shall ensure that the data provided by him, such as address data, telephone numbers, etc. is correct and up-to-date be. Insofar as this is necessary for the execution of the contract, the client grants EVENTpoint24 the spatially unlimited and exclusive right of use to the data sent by post, e-mail or fax or to the paths specified by the client during the sale on the phone, such as (partner sites , competition pages, tourism pages, subpages of other providers, Facebook pages, Google paths, etc., of the client on the Internet) so that their data, images and content, along with any trademarks, may be fully used. At the same time, the customer indemnifies EVENTpoint24 against third-party claims regarding unauthorized use of trademark, patent and/or copyrights. Claims by third parties in this context against EVENTpoint24 will then be asserted by EVENTpoint24 as damage to the client. EVENTpoint24 is entitled to defend against corresponding claims, but is not obliged to do so. EVENTpoint24 will then claim damages from the client. EVENTpoint24 is entitled to defend against corresponding claims, but is not obliged to do so. EVENTpoint24 will then claim damages from the client. EVENTpoint24 is entitled to defend against corresponding claims, but is not obliged to do so.

If the client cancels the premium entry, the rights of use are transferred to the free basic entry and remain there with 1 image and 1 video (if available). The client must then terminate this right to use the image separately in writing, including for the basic entry.

10. Notice according to BDSG
According to the Federal Data Protection Act/DSGVO, the client is informed that the
data and content transmitted by him will be electronically stored and processed (note: data protection declaration on our

Website EVENTpoint24 privacy policy

11. Confidentiality
The contracting parties undertake to treat confidentially all information, data and plans that become known to them as a result of this contractual relationship about the other contracting party. This obligation continues to apply beyond the termination of the contractual relationship. This obligation does not apply:

• for information, data and plans that are or were generally accessible or that were to be published by EVENTpoint24 on the basis of this contractual relationship,

• for information, data and plans which were handed over or brought to the attention of the recipient by the other party to the contract without reference to their confidentiality,

• were not demonstrably known to the respective contractual party before the date of receipt.

The contracting parties mutually undertake to provide information regarding the loss of confidential information, data and plans or third parties becoming aware of confidential information, data and plans.

12. Place of performance, place of jurisdiction and applicable law
If the client is an entrepreneur or merchant or trader, the place of performance and exclusive place of jurisdiction is Magdeburg / Saxony-Anhalt / Germany. For all conflicts arising directly or indirectly from this contract, the exclusive application of the law of the Federal Republic of Germany is agreed.

13. Miscellaneous
Oral ancillary agreements, subsequent changes and additions to this contract must be in writing to be effective. Success! This also applies to the cancellation of this written form requirement. Should provisions of this contract or a future provision included in it be wholly or partially invalid or unenforceable or later lose their legal validity or enforceability, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of the contract. The same applies if it turns out that the contract contains a loophole. Instead of the invalid or unenforceable provisions or to fill the gap, an appropriate provision shall apply which, as far as legally possible, comes closest to what the contracting parties wanted or would have wanted according to the sense and purpose of the contract, if they had considered the point when concluding this contract or when later including a provision. This also applies if the invalidity of a provision is based on a measure of performance or time (deadline or date) prescribed in the contract; a legally permissible measure of performance or time (deadline or date) that comes as close as possible to what is intended should then be considered agreed.

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